Monday, July 26, 2010


Love these giggles!

Hanging out in her crib while daddy puts in a ceiling fan. Wearing her big brother's t-shirt.

The famous "Mowgley Walk". She is soooooo fast when she does this! She runs like a half wolf, half gazelle creature!
Deacon claims the gash on her forehead came from his toenail as he was trying to jump over her. I believe him.

To help with the wound on her forehead (that was already two days old at this time), Deacon climbed into my stash, found a band aid, unwrapped it and put it on her----right across her hair! It was more painful to remove than the actual sore underneath I think.

Love-Love-Love this shot. Her hair looks so cute flipped out!

Fuzzy hair from blanket rides on Deacons blee-blee.
Sooooo cute in the bath tub. She sucks on washrags like nobody's business! You'd think we give her nothing to drink all day.


I love that outrageous flower.

Lunchmeat (above) is not so messy.
Sloppy Joes are a different story!

First time swimming. She was in there for awhile and it got cold!

1 comment:

  1. Addy, I could just hug you forever. So excited to have you come see us. You are a doll.
