Wednesday, July 18, 2012


So, nothing to do with Facebook but Addy uses the word "like" a lot, but not in the teenager way Ü. It is so adorable when she gives me a hug and says, "Like. Momma." Then, to be sure nobody feels left out, she goes through a whole other list: "Like...Daddy. Like....Deelie (Deacon). Like....Nano (Grandma). Like....Papa. Like....RoRo."

Then, if she DOESN'T like something, she makes this frowny face and shakes her head while saying, "Like...naps".


The last few days Addy has been coming up to me and saying, "Shut. Eyes." to get me to close my eyes and follow her to room. When I open my eyes she yells "Ta-La" (like ta-da) and shows me that she cleaned her room all by herself. She threw everything in a cardboard box, but I will take what I can get!!