Sitting pretty in Deacon's room
Outside for a picnic after months of being sick:
Adelaide was sooooo sick from December 2nd, until mid-February. I lost count of how many times we went to the doctor's office. It started out as croup. Then her cough got worse and worse. She would cough all night long and I had to hold her upright on my chest from about 2am to 4:30am. It got to the point where she would almost sleep through her coughing fits because she was so used to them (but I still had to hold her upright or she'd never stop).
Then the ear infections started. First in one ear, then as soon as it cleared up it would start in her other ear. They had me give her one antibiotic for a week, then a break. It didn't work so we tried a different antibiotic for another week. Nothing. With the runny nose they thought it was allergies, so we tried an over-the-counter allergy medicine. Nothing.
Out of nowhere she seemed to get better (I woke up one morning terrified because it was 7 am and for the first time in 8 months I didn't have to wake up in the night---I thought the worst!). But it lasted about 3 days. Then it started all over again with the hacking cough. So they wanted to do antibiotics again and I told them I was desperate for something else. Then ---THEN!--- they finally pull out the big guns (or big needle, I should say) and gave her a shot in her thigh of something I forget the name of. I had to come back three days later and they gave her another shot in the thigh. Then back four days later and.....knock on wood...she was healed! That was almost the end of February.
On March 1st I had to take her to the ER because she had a fever of 104.4
I was thinking, "Here we go again." But by the next day she was fine and she's been good ever since! (Can't say the same for my HSA Ü). We have an insurance plan with a Health Savings Account that pays for all preventative care and the first $1000 of anything else. Then we pay out of pocket after that. It has always worked for well for us because we've never been sick and I just change plans the year I have a baby. Next year we may need to reevaluate because it was gone by mid February (but totally worth it Future Addy who reads this :).